Learn Coding,
For Free

Welcome to my blog!

I created this space as a free way to learn about coding with Python.

Via the internet, I developed the majority of my understanding on Python with free resources.

This blog should serve as a guide for newcomers to coding, mapping the way to develop a robust understanding by showcasing some badass and totally free learning resources.

Thank you so much for your support. Let’s learn about coding with Python!


Personally, I think coding gets a bad rap. It’s often portrayed as a skill acquired naturally by young protégés. In my personal experience, almost no one learns how to code this way.

No part of my formal education included learning how to code, and if I can learn to code using only the internet, then so can you. Let’s dive right in and learn how to code with Python together.

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I am a tech enthusiast and advocate for free learning resources!

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Frank Besson